Friday 24 January 2014

JC Caylen YouTube Review!

JC Caylen has nearly 800,000 subscribers on his main channel; he definitely knows how to entertain people. Most of his videos are comedy sketches about incidents that everyone experiences, such as Awkward Situations. He also makes videos along with other YouTubers, making his videos twice as funny. JC is naturally funny and manages you to keep you engaged throughout the whole video; his cheeky smile and energetic personality never fail to get the audience laughing along with him. He also has a second channel where he makes ‘Not-so-daily volgs’ in these he gives us an insight into his daily life.


He also involves his little brother and sisters in his videos and this gives us an insight to how close he is to his family which makes him seem evermore truthful when he films his more serious videos. One of his most serious videos is ‘Suicidal thoughts’ in which he has an intimate conversation with his fans about the happier things in life, and how life gets better even though it might not seem like it at the time. I also like to see how he uses his videos to help persuade his viewers to give back to their community, he makes a video in which he gives out Taco’s to homeless people on the street.

He is also part of a YouTube collaboration channel called our2ndlife, which has over 1million subscribers, along with Kian, Sam, Connor, Trevor and Ricky. On this collab channel they have a different topic every week and each day they take it in turns to each film a video on that topic. JC films on a Thursday and his videos are always filled with fun and laughter.

I definitely think you should check out JC Caylen if you haven’t already!

Please follow me on twitter @elliekay96
Follow JC Caylen on twitter @jccaylen

Thank you for reading!
Stay Happy

Ellie xxx

Thursday 2 January 2014

Zoella YouTube Review

With over 3 million subscribers on YouTube Zoe Sugg is certainly a face you should be subscribed to! Her main topics for her videos are beauty related. Her bouncy personality and constantly smiling face never fail to light up the screen and make you smile back. She gives her honest review on beauty products, whilst also giving tips on everything from hairstyles and tips for using the beauty products, to making your own chocolate orange hot chocolate and Christmas gingerbread biscuits.

However, Zoe is not just a ‘one trick pony’, as well as showing us her creative side she also shows us her… WHAT?!... NO! Don’t be so rude… I was just going to say… she also shows us her fun and quirky personality when she teams us with other YouTubers to make videos such as ‘Halloween cupcakes’ with PointlessBlog (Alfie Dayes.) She also introduced the world of YouTube to her brother Joe Sugg, when he appeared in an early ‘Primark Haul’ video. After making some videos with her brother, ‘My Brother does my make up’, she convinced Joe to make his own YouTube Channel and he is now known as ‘ThatcherJoe’. Zoe also writes a blog which is, likewise, centered on beauty and fashion.


However, I think one of my favorite things about Zoe is that she is not like any other beauty blogger/vlogger. She also occasionally talks about more serious topics such as how she copes with suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. I think she puts her well known status on YouTube to good use, I have even shown my friend Zoe’s panic attack video after she had trouble dealing with her first panic attack. I love her new videos ‘chummy chatter’, which she does with ‘Sprinkle of Glitter’ (Louise), in this they talk about issues that affect everyone like tough breakups and boundaries.
I love all of Zoellas’ videos whether they’re about beauty or panic attacks, I find them all interesting and I always learn something new from them!

Follow Zoe on twitter @ZozeeBo
Read her blogg
Follow me on twitter @elliekay

Thanks for reading!

Ellie X  

'Janoskians' YouTube Review

The Janoskians are made up of Beau Brookes, Luke Brookes, Jai Brookes, Daniel  Sahyounie and James Yammouni. According to the Janoskians themselves they are just a group of hopeless kids with no future taking on the streets of Melbourne! Well I don’t believe this is entirely true. Having just started their ‘Not a boy band tour’ and being chased by thousand of screaming girls I think they are looking at a very big future! They have 835,750 subscribers on their Janoskians YouTube channel and 285,849 subscribers on their Dare Sundays channel. They have a combined twitter following of 3,611,700 and in their London show some of their fans jumped on stage with them just the get a touch of them.

One of my personal favorite videos is their awkward train situations videos, in which they interact with people they have never met before and perform awkward tasks that make their viewers laugh in hysterics. Their public nuisance videos show them take on the streets and disturb people going about their daily business.  They put themselves out there for everyone to see in what would be embarrassing situations for anyone else, however, they never seem to get embarrassed or back out of any of the challenges. The chemistry between the boys is amazing, you can see that they are genuinely great friends and love spending time together. Their videos make the viewers laugh in hysterics and gasp at the reactions of the public.

Not only do they pull pranks on the public they also carry out dares on their dare Sundays channel. This is where they carry out challenges such as the web sensation cinnamon challenge, however, the Janoskians take this to a whole new level and carry out more dangerous challenges like the BB gun challenge. In this they pick out a body part in which they get shot and pick out a distance from which they get shot. They have also done a pepper spray challenge in which they got sprayed with pepper spray in the face for 2 seconds. Nearly every dare Sundays videos contains Beau and Daniel (sometimes the others) vomiting, which also makes some of the viewers gag along with them. Although these are dangerous challenges you can see the love and support the boys show to each other and how much they care for each other.

Another part of their act are their mockumentaries and although they are meant to be silly sketches, they show off some of the boys real acting talent and creativity to come up with new and funny ideas. They also sing and have released two singles, ‘Set this world on fire’ and ‘Best friends’, when I first heard about these song s I didn’t have very high expectations and although I knew some  members of Janoskians could sing I wasn’t sure how the songs would turn out. However, when I listened to the songs I was blown away, they have good lyrics and great singing. I now have the song on my phone and on repeat.

However like with every great act there comes criticism. The Janoskians have been criticised for their reckless, dangerous and juvenile behaviour, and pushing their boundaries too far, media commentator  Prue MacSween stated that, "Their act - if you can call it that - is so juvenile, and I think really irresponsible. It's astounding the power of the internet now. It just tells you that this global audience can be viral and suddenly nobodies with very little talent can suddenly be known by the world." However I couldn’t disagree more with this comment, the Janoskians make sure everything is alright with their victims afterwards and fully explain why they are doing what they are doing. This, to me, shows maturity and responsibility.

I feel I should show some credit to the making of the videos, the videos are edited amazingly and show the talent of whoever edits the videos.

All in all I believe that these boys are real gentle man and although some people may disagree with me I believe they are great role models. Although they have bad language and regularly make sex jokes, they always have time to spend with their fans and are respectful to each other and their family. They care for each other and are respectful to their managers and others who are trying to help their career.

I really recommend checking the Janoskians out on YouTube:

You can follow the boys on twitter:

Beau Brooks @BrooksBeau
Luke Brooks @luke_brooks
Jai Brooks @JaiBrooks1
James Yammouni @James_Yammouni
Daniel Sahyounie @danielsahyounie

You can follow me on twitter @elliekay96
If you have anything you would like me to review you can email:

Thank You for taking the time to read this review.

Ellie xx

'Purple Mafia' Spill the beans

1. How was the band first formed?
At Ripon grammar school 4 years ago when Josh and Harry had guitar lessons together and people joined and left to make purple mafia how it is today. 
2. Have you ever got into big fights over your music?
No we just have creative discussions but usually we have the same taste.
3. Who’s the biggest ladies man?
All of us have a strong female following, mainly at gigs and in California! 
4. Do you have girlfriends?
Most of us don’t.
5. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
At the end of primary/ beginning of secondary school for most of us 
6. Who is your celebrity crush?
Kelly Brooke, Mila Kunis, Pixie Lott, Megan Fox, Cara Delevingne
It's hard to choose one! 
7. What’s a Girls fashion look that confuses you? (I don’t care look etc.)
When girls try too hard and over do their look
8. What’s a girly movie that you secretly love?
Mean girls! 
9. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
One direction
10. What’s your dream job if you weren’t musicians?
To own a ski and mountain bike resort in the alps
11.What’s your worst habit?
Nail Biting

Here is a link to Purple Mafia’s YouTube channel so you can check out their stuff!

You can follow the boys on twitter: @AlexPurpleMafia, @DanPurpleMafia, @JoshPurpleMafia, @HarryPurpleMafia and @TomPurpleMafia

Make sure you check out my review of Purple Mafia aswell!

Thank You for reading this if you like it please follow me on twitter @elliekay96
Ellie X

'Purple Mafia' Band Review

Purple Mafia are five Yorkshire boys from Ripon Grammar school and after performing together for over 4 years they have built up a worldwide fan base. They have a combined twitter following of about 4000 and their very first single ‘She Thinks It’ has over 16000 views. Purple Mafia is made up of singer- Dan Reynard, lead guitarist-Josh Stockdale, rhythm guitarist -Harry Yates, bassist- Tom Stringer and drummer /backing vocals-Alex Boulton. The boys are not only cracking the UK they have also recently been over to LA in order to record some of their original songs and perform a live show in a Hollywood club. This all happened when they were contacted by Mitch Goodman who is the label Manager at Unison Music, an independent record label in Los Angeles. He was impressed by their energy, talent, enthusiasm and love of music.

It is easy to see why these boys have such a big following not only do they have good looks but they also have a fun nature and bags of energy. However it would not be fair to say that their likability is only because of these things as they also have writing ability way above their age.  They have their own music style and stick to it rather than trying to be like other famous bands like One Direction. Their lyrics say it as it is but in a way that is positive and catchy. They manage to change from an upbeat song like ‘Sunburnt Orange’ to a slower sweet song like ‘She thinks it’ in one smooth jump without disappointing their fans or losing their personal style.

                 Purple Mafia. From left to right- Harry Yates, Josh Stockdale, Dan Reynard, Tom Stringer and Alex Boulton.

Having seen Purple Mafia in concert a few times I have seen how they play their instruments, sing and bring their fun energetic personalities onto the stage. However at the same time they also manage to captivate their audience and keep them in the palm of their hands; changing the audiences emotions as they change the song. Ask any well known musician and they will tell you this is something that is very difficult to achieve, ask any ex musician and they will tell you this is something they never quite mastered.

Purple Mafia have been lifelong friends and they have respect for each other both as friends and band mates but are also able to annoy each other without crossing the line and they have the ability to show this through their music videos and concerts which is one reason why I think people enjoy listening to them. They have a special bond together that cannot be faked. 

Purple Mafia from left to right. Harry Yates, Josh Stockdale, Alex Boulton, Tom Stringer and Dan Reynard.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t think Purple Mafia will be covering teenage girls’ bedroom walls in a few years. Purple Mafia are not just another band. They play together because they have a love of music and not because they think it’s cool and will make them loads of money!

I think it is clear to see that these boys will go far; Mitch Goodman has already compared them to the young Beatles! But I just hope that when they do finally make it they do not forget their Yorkshire roots and the things that they stand for like so many others before them!

Here is a link to Purple Mafia’s YouTube channel so you can check out their stuff!

You can follow the boys on twitter: @AlexPurpleMafia, @DanPurpleMafia, @JoshPurpleMafia, @HarryPurpleMafia and @TomPurpleMafia

Make sure you check out my interview with Purple Mafia aswell!

Thank You for reading this if you like it please follow me on twitter @elliekay96


To Uni or not to Uni

All through my life I’ve thought I’d complete my A Levels, go to university, get a job and have a family. However, this thought is now becoming a reality as I’ve just finished my second term of my As levels and have started first of many weeks of revision.  At school were getting bombarded with talks of all kinds, what uni to go to and what courses to choose, I am starting to wonder if university is the right path for me. I know I want to go into some section of the film industry, and on every piece of work experience I’ve completed in this field I have been told that I don’t need to do a film related course at university and that it wouldn’t help me. My mum still thinks it would be beneficial to get a degree just incase I change my mind. For a while I went along with her and looked for uni degrees that I thought would be interesting, however, I have since realized if I didn’t want to do the degree I probably wouldn’t work for my exams and therefore come out with bad grades AND masses of debts! All of a sudden uni doesn’t sound so good.

Uni is such a common thing now-a-days you feel you have to go in order to get a job but what’s the point in going if it’s not going to help me? Having being brought up in a family of academics and been lucky enough to go to a good school which my parents have had to scrimp and save in order to send me to I know I would feel less intelligent and slightly guilty if I didn’t go to university. But just because you don’t go to uni it doesn’t mean you not clever, university just isn’t for some people, I personally don’t know if I like the idea of going straight from school to more homework, essays and exams. This then opens up even more questions like; do I take a gap year? I think I would love to do this, I would love to travel to America and Canada and see countries I have never been to; there’s just one slight problem… I would never be able to afford this.

I also think university would be an amazing opportunity where I would meet lots of people that I wouldn’t normally get to meet. I would also get to do things I wouldn’t otherwise get to do. I know I would have so much fun making student meals, living with my friends and being more independent.

After all this I still don’t know what to do… all I do know is that if I didn’t go some part of me would always regret it but if I did go I would be thinking how I could be working in film instead of learning something  I don’t really want to learn about.

Please follow me on twitter @elliekay96 and comment if you have anything to say :)
Ellie xxx